- affirmance
- affirmance утверждение
Персональный Сократ. 2014.
Персональный Сократ. 2014.
affirmance — I (authentication) noun acknowledgment, assertion, assurance, attestation, certification, confirmation, countersignature, declaration, endorsement, establishment, predication, pronouncement, ratification, substantiation, validation, verification… … Law dictionary
Affirmance — Af*firm ance, n. [Cf. OF. afermance.] 1. Confirmation; ratification; confirmation of a voidable act. [1913 Webster] This statute . . . in affirmance of the common law. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. A strong declaration; affirmation. Cowper. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
affirmance — [ə furm′əns] n. [ME affermance < OFr < L affirmans, prp. of affirmare, AFFIRM] 1. an affirming or declaring 2. a confirming 3. Law an upholding by a higher court of a lower court s judgment or order … English World dictionary
affirmance of judgment — A determination that the action or proceeding under review is free from prejudicial error and that the judgment appealed from shall stand. 5 Am J2d A & E § 934. The dismissal of an appeal for want of prosecution is clearly not an affirmance of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
affirmance day general — In the English court of exchequer, a day appointed by the judges of the common pleas, and barons of the exchequer, to be held a few days after the beginning of every term for the general affirmance or reversal of judgments … Black's law dictionary
affirmance day general — In the English court of exchequer, a day appointed by the judges of the common pleas, and barons of the exchequer, to be held a few days after the beginning of every term for the general affirmance or reversal of judgments … Black's law dictionary
affirmance-day-general — A day appointed for the general affirmance or reversal of judgments in the court of exchequer … Ballentine's law dictionary
affirmance — noun see affirm … New Collegiate Dictionary
affirmance — /euh ferr meuhns/, n. affirmation. [1350 1400; ME affermance < MF; see AFFIRM, ANCE] * * * … Universalium
affirmance — noun a) The act of affirming, affirmation b) A decision upholding the decision of a lower court or agency … Wiktionary
affirmance — n. fulfillment of a decree; confirmation, validation … English contemporary dictionary